This book offers proactive steps to adopt a new mindset for stress. And includes lots of personal stories to back it up. "Why Stress Is Good for You, and How to Get Good at It"
It's amazing how much a person can learn in the first few weeks trying something new. You don’t have to stop watching Netflix or reading the news. You just need to build up a daily practice.
Instead of following your passion, you should develop skills and experience, then leverage them to have more autonomy and control over the work you do and your day-to-day schedule.
"The secrets of highly successful groups." This book was full of good advice and stories to back it up. I enjoyed the look behind the scenes at Pixar, Zappos and IDEO.
Some of the most fascinating people in the world will never write or publish anything. Yet we could be lucky enough to listen in on one or two conversations that they have with interesting people.
Are you ever so curious about a new technology that you want to try to build it yourself? Well, that’s how I often feel, and I’ve saved you the pain of trying to make a soft robot by doing it myself.
"Bell Labs and the Great Age of American Innovation." Terrific history of the laboratory that invented many of the key technologies in today's electronics.