Product Development | Hardware | Outdoor Adventures
Extended Mind Summary

The Extended Mind – Path to Greater Intelligence

People can use technology, social interaction, and our bodies to fully tap into the brain. Even just gesturing can fire more neurons.
Snap Drone

Can Snapchat’s Drone compete with the iPhone?

Why Snap Inc keeps making hardware even if it could lose money.
Invention a life Summary

Invention: A Life of Amazing Inventions and Stubborn Will

Amazing inventions and great success, but James Dyson also struggled with many obstacles, challenges, and a few failures (the Ballbarrow?)

How Dyson wins by ignoring market research

The famous home goods company got started by making products that customers said they didn’t want.
Made to Stick Summary

Made to Stick – Simple Stories Spread Best

Actionable lessons on how to share information clearly so that it spreads - bring an idea to life through storytelling.
Week Review

A Most Practical Weekly Review

Taking the time to learn from the past week's experience offers enormous benefits. Here are the most valuable questions to ask each week.

The Year’s Most Powerful Quotes

These ideas stood out as the best things I read, discovered, and revisited in 2021, along with the actionable advice I took away.

My Multi-faceted Book List

My favorite books of 2021, ranging from fascinating biographies, to engaging business books, to skillfully written fiction.
Top Reads in 2021 So Far

Great Books and More | Top Reads of 2021

These are my favorite reads so far in 2021, including some fiction, a better way to practice, and using time more efficiently.
Peak Book Summary

⚔️ Peak — Anders Ericsson

Talent is not what carries people to become top performer. Instead, deliberate practice leads the upper levels of performance.